About Me

  • Dr Kenneth McFadyen BSc MA (Ed) DClinPsy AFBPSs CPsychol FHEA
  • HCPC Registered Clinical Psychologist
  • BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist

Originally from Scotland, I moved to England many years ago and began studying psychology at university in 1995. After a brief period in another sector, I qualified as a Doctor in Clinical Psychology in 2006. I have worked in most areas of clinical psychology, but more notably with people who are, or are close to, adult age. To me, there is nothing more fascinating than people and how they relate to others, and so being a psychologist is my dream job. Personally, I enjoy socialising, music, traveling and walking.


If you would like to contact me, I'd suggest a preliminary telephone or email contact, free of charge. Briefly outline what would like to be different in your life. Following this an initial assessment appointment is a useful starting place where we can meet and ensure that first and foremost, we can work together. Please use the form below to contact me.